Home अतिरिक्तांक प. सीरीज–7 समसामयिक घटनाचक्र करेन्ट अफेयर्स (वॉल्यूम–2) 2024
'Pratiyogita Darpan's' Current Event Round Up-2023, Vol-2” (PD’S Samsamayik Ghatna Chakra-2023, Vol-2 in Hindi)
A Competitive examination like IAS, PCS, BANK PO, RAILWAY, INSURANCE, CUTE, CAT, MAT etc often test your skills, various subjects’ knowledge, and intelligence on several levels, whether they are for Central or State government posts or a university admission. In such cases, it is important to stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in the world around us. Pratiyogita Darpan’s recently released Books on “Current Event Round Up-2023” (PD’S Samsamayik Ghatna Chakra-2023, Vol-2 in Hindi) can help us in this aspect by providing the most up-to-date information regarding national and international events.
This issue covers all key latest current affairs of NATIONAL, INTERNATIONAL, MIRCO-MACRO EVENTS, NEWS, UPDATES ON ECONOMY, SCIENCE, SPACE & TECHNOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT, DEFENCE, SECURITY, SPORTS and much more on various other key topics around the world. READ it to get an EFFECTIVE and CONCISE updates.